 +351 253 208 230 [call to the national fixed network]

Privacy Policy


Please, read carefully the following Privacy and Data Protection Policy with attention, since the availability of your data involves your full knowledge and acceptance of the information displayed.

IB – Agência para a Dinamização Económica, E.M., (hereinafter InvestBraga) is subject to the legislation regarding the personal data protection and adopts all necessary measures for the strict compliance with the legal rules in force and for the safeguarding of all information collected and privacy of the personal data of its customers, employees, partners or suppliers, so, the collected data will be treated for the purposes of management, maintenance, development, control and optimization of the contractual relationship between the holder of personal data and InvestBraga.


InvestBraga will always grant privacy and safety on the treatment of your data, through the Altice Forum Braga activity. InvestBraga is the responsible entity for the collection and processing of personal data, and may, within the scope of its activity, resort to entities subcontracted by it to pursue the purposes indicated here.

Headquarter: Avenida do Dr. Francisco Pires Gonçalves, Braga (São José de São Lázaro e São João do Souto), 4715-558 BRAGA

Tax ID: 504 807 706

Telephone: (+351) 253 208 230

Email: geral@investbraga.com


Personal data is any information, of any kind and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such an identification number, or another specific elements of his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Upon acceptance of this Privacy Policy, the user gives his informed, express, free and unequivocal consent for the personal data provided through the website https://www.forumbraga.com/ to be included in a file under the responsibility of InvestBraga, whose treatment under the Data Protection legislation terms complies with appropriate technical and organizational security measures.

InvestBraga maintains a database with the registration of its customers consisted only by the personal data provided by the data subject at the time of registration, which are collected and processed automatically by InvestBraga, the entity responsible for processing personal data.

In no case will be requested personal data regarding the racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, political opinions or union affiliation, relating to health or genetics, relating to life or sexual and biometric orientation.


The personal data that we use varies according to the product and / or service that we are offering, to the extent strictly necessary. In this sense, some personal data are collected, namely:

  • Identification data (name);
  • Contact data (telephone/mobile phone and/or e-mail).


The treatment of the data collected by InvestBraga, in representation of Altice Forum Braga, is mainly based on the commercial dissemination of activities of general interest and the promotion of local and regional development in Braga, through the pursuit of activities aimed at the economic dynamization of the Braga region, and initiatives that promote their valorization, internationalization and attracting national or foreign investments. InvestBraga will also use your personal data in order to the transactions materialization (purchase and sale of tickets for show events).


The personal data collected is used for the following purposes:

  • Provide products, services and / or information requested;
  • Entrepreneurship promotion;
  • Dissemination of exhibitions and fairs, congresses and other events of a socioeconomic, cultural, sports, recreational, musical and tourist nature;
  • Development and improvement of our products and / or services;
  • Carrying out marketing and promotional actions;
  • Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations.


The data collected and held by InvestBraga may be transmitted, with respect for the duty of confidentiality and the principle of the purpose that governed its collection, to the following entities:

  • Business partners who have been granted the transfer;
  • Judicial or administrative authorities, in cases where such submission is mandatory.


If data is transferred to third countries that do not belong to the European Union or the European Economic Area InvestBraga will comply with the law, namely regarding the suitability of the country of destination, concerning the protection of personal data and the requirements that are applicable to these transfers. No personal data will be transferred to jurisdictions that do not offer guarantees of security and protection.


The period of time during which the data is stored and preserved varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed and according to the legal obligations and requirements that may apply, and which require the data to be kept for a period of minimum time.

Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal obligation, the data will be stored and preserved only for the minimum period required for the purposes that motivated its collection or further processing, after which they will be eliminated.

InvestBraga expressly recalls that at any time you may request the deletion of all your personal data from our databases. This request must be sent to dpo@investbraga.com.


The data subject may, at any time, exercise the following rights:

  • Right of access – The data subject shall have the right to obtain from InvestBraga a copy of all the information regarding itself;
  • Right to rectification – The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the InvestBraga without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning itself;
  • Right to be forgotten – The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the InvestBraga the erasure of personal data concerning itself without undue delay;
  • Right to restrict processing - when some conditions apply to the right to restrict processing;
  • Right to data portability – The data subject shall have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance;
  • Right to object – The data subject shall have the right to object.

The rights mentioned above can be exercised through the following e-mail dpo@investbraga.com, throughout specific application forms, or still though a registered letter to:

Avenida do Dr. Francisco Pires Gonçalves, Braga (São José de São Lázaro e São João do Souto), 4715-558 BRAGA


You can purchase tickets online, with all the safety, through our secure server, which encrypts all the information sent. The secure connection is established between your browser and our server based on technologies guaranteed for electronic commerce.

When filling out the purchase form, you can simply enter your credit card number and expiration date. This information will be forwarded through a secure and private channel which, in turn, uses Verified By Visa and Secure Code for Visa and EuroCards / Mastercards, respectively, in the treatment of the same information.

The authorization is returned to us in real-time from the card-issuing bank in order to prevent fraud. In order to increase the security of the process, you will be asked for a second number, on the back of your card, entitled CVV2.

For payment of the tickets, you can also opt for transfers through PAYPAL, ATM REFERENCE, or MBWay.

All prices presented by Altice Forum Braga must be understood in euros and including VAT at the current rate. Altice Forum Braga reserves the right, on the prices presented, to carry out discount campaigns or to issue discount vouchers to any and all users or groups of users who wish it so.

We do not accept ticket returns. However, the transmission of tickets is allowed, in case of impossibility of appearing. You can transmit your ticket up to 20 days before the date of the event, by sending an email with the new data to ticketline@investbraga.com.

In case of cancellation of the event, Altice Forum Braga accepts the refund of the amount paid for the tickets.

In case of postponement of the event, tickets are valid for the new date. You may also ask to transfer the ticket to the next edition of the conference or to transfer the ticket to someone else.


InvestBraga may, at any time, make readjustments or changes to this Privacy Policy, these changes will be duly publicized at the headquarters and respective Website.


According to the law, the data subject has the right to file a complaint regarding the protection of personal data to the competent supervisory authority Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (CNPD) www.cnpd.pt









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Av. Dr. Francisco Pires Gonçalves
4715 - 558 Braga | Portugal
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T.: +351 253 208 230
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